20 May club update: beer garden opening and rules

Dear member

It may not be the weather for it today, but we are pleased to announce that our beer garden will be opening for the first time this season this weekend, as the club hosts Heriots 2nds in the ESCA Championship on Saturday, and Aberdeenshire on Sunday in our first Scottish Cup tie for over 25 years.

This is an important occasion for the club and we would ask anyone wishing to attend to please follow the strict COVID rules which we have in place.

–          Beer garden will be open from 12noon

–          It is strongly advised you book via [email protected] providing your name and size of your party

–          Groups of up to eight people can book as per Scottish Government guidelines

–          Members can attend but are limited to tables in beer garden only

–          When you arrive, you must sign in using QR code available on each table

–          Table service will be in operation

–          No access to pavilion apart from toilet use – when accessing toilets facemasks must be worn

–          Cash only – we are introducing a card machine in coming weeks

If you have any further questions, please contact [email protected].

There is additional burden on the club this summer, so any member who can assist with operation of bar/beer garden over the weekend, and throughout the summer, would be greatly appreciated, even if just for one afternoon. If you can help please contact us via email address above.


Gala Cricket Club