Indoor Pre-Season Training Update

We are delighted to share that indoor training for both senior and junior players will commence later this month.

Senior training kicks off on Wednesday 19th January from 19:15pm to 20:45pm at Earlston High School. This is open to players of any age above late junior level cricket and to any ability!

Junior training starts on Friday 21st January from 7pm to 8pm at the Queens Centre, Galashiels and will run every second Friday onwards. Again, all new players are welcome and this is open ages from 8 to 16 years old. There will be a small cost per head to cover hall costs.

Both training schedules are subject to government restrictions. Any updates impacting the sessions will be shared on our website and social media pages.

So if you are new to the area, fancy taking up cricket, want to return to an old sport, want to join a new club or just fancy something new, then come along to the sessions or get in touch with us via social media, our website, or [email protected]

Everyone is welcome! #getinvolved