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Gala CC present Maisie with World Cup shirt

Gala CC was delighted to present Maisie with her Scotland Under 19 World Cup framed shirt this week, following her successful performances in the tournament earlier this year.

The 17-year-old bowler featured in three of Scotland’s four games in the global competition, the highlight being her two wickets against UAE.

Gala’s latest shirt sponsor, Dan Broadhead and Anne Stewart of Borders Podiatry & Performance Clinic presented the shirt to Maisie on behalf of the club.

Maisie has also donated her second World Cup shirt to the club to display in its clubrooms.

We look forward to seeing Maisie continue to progress for club and country this season.

Gala CC on right footing with Borders Podiatry & Performance Clinic

A leading Borders podiatry clinic has put Gala’s cricketers on the right footing by becoming the club’s latest shirt sponsor.

Borders Podiatry & Pérformance Clinic have generously agreed to sponsor Gala CC, joining fellow local companies Kinalba and Keith Irvine Plastering as shirt sponsors.

Based in the heart of Galashiels at Channel Street, Borders Podiatry & Performance Clinic have over 30 years of combined experience in treating conditions affecting foot, ankle and leg.

The clinic’s podiatrists have worked with amateur and elite athletes, cyclists, footballers and rugby players to improve their performance and reduce their risk of injury.

Dan Broadhead and Anne Stewart of Borders Podiatry & Performance Clinic were presented with complimentary shirts by Maisie Maceira, Gala CC and Scotland Under 19 player. In return, Dan and Anne presented Maisie with her framed Scotland U19 World Cup shirt.

Borders Podiatry & Performance Clinic’s support arrives on the eve of Gala Cricket Club’s 170th year – making it one of the oldest sports clubs in Galashiels.

The 1st XI are competing in the East of Scotland Championship aiming for their third league title in a row, while the 2nd XI will play in East Division Six.

There is also junior cricket including All Stars Cricket taking place throughout the season.

All new players at all age groups and all abilities are welcome, with the club also seeking volunteers who maybe be able to help day to day running of club, even if its just one hour a week.

A Gala CC spokesperson said: “We owe a huge thank you to the Borders Podiatry & Performance Clinic for their support. It is fantastic to see a local company recognise the importance of community sports clubs such as Gala CC.

“Local firms have been hugely supportive of the club in recent years and we thank all of them – without their support we simply wouldn’t be entering our 170th year.”

For more information on Borders Podiatry & Performance Clinic visit:

New club strategy launched

As it reaches its 170th birthday in 2023, Gala Cricket Club has launched a new strategy which will aim to ensure the club has a bright future. 

Gala Cricket Club was founded in 1853, making it one of the oldest sports clubs in Galashiels which has enjoyed on the field success in recent seasons.

The new five year strategy aims to ensure the club has a sustainable future on and off the field, focussed on four key themes – growth, community, legacy and inclusive.

The strategy was launched in March 2023 within Heriot Watt University’s Gateway Building at its Galashiels Campus.

Mike Halls, Chair of Gala CC, said: “We have a long and proud history at Gala Cricket Club but we want to ensure the club also has a bright future, starting with our new five year strategy.

“We have achieved a lot in recent years thanks to the efforts of volunteers, players, community supporters and sponsors. But we also know there are lot of improvements we need to make if the club is to survive and thrive, which is why we have created this new strategy. 

“We would love to see anyone interested in finding out more about the strategy, or getting involved in taking it forward. Please contact us via the website or [email protected] to find out more.”

Club seeks junior administrator(s)

Gala Cricket Club is looking for a junior administrator(s) to carry out the following tasks for the 2023 season:

– Work with coaches to ensure adequate coaching cover in place for training and games

– Request availability of players for games and provide meeting time details

– For away games work with parents and club to ensure transport is arranged

– Liaise with Membership Secretary regarding subscriptions

This is a voluntary role and can be shared if easier. Please contact [email protected] if able to assist.

Sponsorship opportunities for 2023 now available

As Gala CC enters its 170th year, we are once again offering a range of sponsorship opportunities for supporters, businesses, organisations and members of the community in 2023.

Sponsorship is available from as little as £20, alongside a range of other offers such as our popular sponsorship boards.

There are a range of benefits from supporting the club, including:

  • Complimentary club membership
  • Regular coverage on our website, local press and social media channels where we have over 4,000 followers
  • Invite to our supporters and sponsors day with complimentary drinks and buffet
  • Opportunity to give back to the community and help maintain one of Galashiels’ oldest sports clubs.

If interested please check out our sponsorship brochure below.

Thank you to all who have and continue to support the club.

Ron Murray becomes latest life member

Ron Murray has become Gala Cricket Club’s latest life member in recognition of his dedication to the club.

Ron was proposed as a life member at the Meigle Park club’s Annual General Meeting on Friday 3 February.

Ron said: “I am honoured to even be considered a life member of Gala Cricket Club.”

Regarded as one of the club’s best ever players, Ron became the first Gala batsman to score over 1,000 runs in a season, in 1970, with the previous best being held by Jim Mercer in 1897.

Also a talented wicketkeeper, Ron was captain over five seasons in three spells, leading Gala to the Border League title and Border KO Cup.

Since retiring Ron has proved many a wise word to young and senior players through coaching and one-to-one sessions in the nets.

He still contributes to the club as a loyal supporter, providing advice and guidance to the club’s players as well as helping maintain Meigle Park’s garden area with wife Kate.

He has also proved a keen cyclist, taking on many a challenge, most recently in 2019 as part of a team containing a number of club members who took part in a 250 miles charity cycle across the Borders.

While Ron was unable to make the AGM, he reflected afterwards: “There is no doubt I feel that I have taken much more from the club than I have given, in terms of friendships made, great experiences, life skills learnt and sheer enjoyment gained from just being involved in the club.

“To my mind, cricket is the best sport for any youngster to be involved in.

“Apart from anything else, the experience of having a good score one week and being out first ball the next, mirrors the ups and downs of life.”

The AGM reflected on a successful 2022 season, with thanks made to all players, members, supporters, sponsors, scorers and volunteers without whom the club wouldn’t exist.

The meeting also looked ahead to its 170th year in 2023, with the following appointments made on the night.

Co-Chairman: Mike Halls and Kenny Paterson; Secretary: Bruce Robertson; Treasurer: Alan Niven.

1st XI captain: Jack Halls; 1st XI vice-captain: Aashiq Rhode; 2nd XI captain: Liam Skeldon; 2nd XI vice-captain: Ross Patterson.

The club is still looking for volunteers who could lend a few hours to help with day-to-day running of the club. Tasks include ground maintenance, assisting with sponsorship or junior section admin, a bar shift during the season, driving a minibus to an away game, or any other skills you could offer the club.

If you can help or would like some further information on what responsibilities would be for a role at club, please contact [email protected].

Photo of Ron Murray and David Boland – credit Grant Kinghorn

Gala CC 2023 AGM minutes

Gala Cricket Club – Annual General Meeting, Friday 3 February 2023 at 7.30pm

At British Legion Clubrooms, Galashiels

1. Present

 M. Halls (MH), K. Paterson (KP), A. Niven (AN), M. Dolan (MD), J. Crooks (JC), I. Allan (IA), K. Allan (KA), J. Boyle (JB), A. Rhode (AR), A. McClory (AM), Ross Patterson (RP), D Ormiston (DO), B. Easson (BE), T. Schutte (TS), S. P. Brown (SPB).

2. Adoption of minutes from last year’s AGM

Proposed by AN, seconded by MH.

3. 2022 review

Available to download by clicking here

4. Treasurer’s report

General accounts showed general loss of £10k.

Bar profits rose to £8,729 and overall bank balance sits at £20,249.

Adoption proposed by MH, seconded by DO. MH thanked AN for once again producing accounts.

5. Motions

2023 membership agreed as –

  • £60 senior player (£50 if paid by 31 May)
  • £30 student/under 18 player (£25 if paid by 31 May)
  • £25 junior player (£20 if paid by 31 May)
  • £10 all social members

R. Murray life membership – approved to reflect his unstinting service to Gala CC as a player, coach and support of club. KP to arrange life membership and hospitality day for Ron and family/friends at club during season.

6. Officials elected as follows:

Patron: JPH Scott, Hon President: K C Allan

Hon Vice Presidents: J Brawls, M M Gray OBE, DL, P A Gray, J C McMenemy, R D Murray, A Ormiston, D Ormiston.

Life members: D Ormiston, K C Allan, R Murray

Co-Chairman: M Halls & K Paterson; Secretary: B Robertson; Treasurer: A Niven.

Fixture Secretary: J. Halls; Membership Secretary: L. Maceira.

Bar Working Group: A. Niven, J. Boyle, K. Paterson, A. Hewitt, R. Scott.

Ground Working Group (TBC): D. Ormiston, S. Anderson, B. Robertson, A. Niven, R. Irvine, B. Easson, F. Rutherford, J Purves.

1st XI Captain: J. Halls; 1st XI Vice Captain: A. Rhode

2nd XI Captain: L. Skeldon; 1st XI Vice Captain: R. Patterson

Sunday Team Captain: F. Rutherford.

General Committee: M. Halls, B. Robertson, A Niven, D Ormiston, K Irvine, K Allan, C

Ormiston, B Easson, R Patterson, J. Halls, M. Dolan, L Maceira, K. Paterson, J Boyle.

Junior administrator: TBC; All Stars Cricket Co-ordinators: TBC; Child Protection Officer: B. Robertson.

Ettrick and Lauderdale Sports Council representative: B. Robertson


New five year club strategy – to be launched on 22 March, MH asked all members to try support and come along.

AGM ended – 8.30pm.

Junior and senior training details

Indoor training details for coming weeks are now available.


  • Friday 10 February to Friday 31 March
  • 7pm to 8pm
  • Queens Centre, Galashiels
  • £2 per session


  • Indoor football – Friday 27 January (7 to 8pm), Thursday 2 and 9 February ( 8pm to 9pm), Queens Centre, Galashiels. £3 per session.
  • Nets – Wednesdays 22 February, 1 March, 8 March, 15 March and 29 March, Earlston High. £3 per session.

Gala AGM – Friday 3 February

Please find agenda for Gala Cricket Club’s annual general meeting on Friday 3 February below.

Please note:

  • Its taking place in British Legion Clubrooms, not YM, and all are welcome.
  • If you have any ideas for general running of club you would like to put forward please submit to [email protected] before meeting
  • The club needs some additional help this season to support and join our small band of volunteers. Doesn’t mean you/they need to come on committee and doesn’t mean need to commit every week – couple of hours every month or even season would be great. Looking for help in particular from anyone who could join a group looking after general ground maintenance.
    In additional anyone who could help with sponsorship, minibus driving, helping with a bar shift, assistance with admin for junior section, social media or any other skills you/friends/family may have which could help the club. If anyone was interested again please contact [email protected] and come along to AGM.

Gala Cricket Club

Annual General Meeting

At Royal British Legion on Friday, 3 February 2023, commencing at 7.30pm.

British Legion address – 22 Park Street, Galashiels, TD1 1BZ


  1. Apologies and welcome
  2. Approval of AGM 2022 minutes
  3. 2022 report (to be provided at meeting)
  4. Treasurer report (to be provided at meeting)
  5. Motions (please submit any motions in advance to [email protected])
  • Life membership nomination
  • 2023 membership fees
  1. Election of office bearers
  2. AOCB

Gala retain East Championship title in style

Gala secured back to back East Championship titles thanks to a comprehensive victory over Linlithgow at Boghall on the last day of the cricket league season.

Gala knew they had to win to guarantee successive league titles and duly did the business, winning by 129 runs.

Linlithgow chose to bowl first after winning the toss, and it looked a good decision as Gala struggled on a tricky wicket, slipping to 61 for three off 26 overs.

However, Gala managed to add 149 runs from the remaining 24 overs thanks to a captain’s knock by skipper Josh Irvine, who scored 76 off 69 balls, supported by Ridwan Khalia (45) and Finlay Rutherford (19).

In reply, Linlithgow were in trouble straight away and were reduced to 19 for six thanks to three wickets a piece for Scott Paterson and Dinesh Tharanga.

Linlithgow finished on 81 mainly due to a knock of 47 by Rory Saunders, with Paterson ending up with superb figures of 5 for 16.

Gala now head to the East Premiership play off against Meigle this Saturday, which will be played at Freuchie CC.

Meanwhile, Gala 2nds finished their season with a six wicket defeat to Drummond Trinity in Division 6. Gala made 156 for 7 thanks to knocks of 46 from both Robbie Paterson and Seb Loumeau and an unbeaten 14 from Liam Skeldon.

Paterson also took two wickets but it wasn’t enough to deny Trinity the win and their promotion to Division 5.  Gala were in running for promotion til a series of defeats in second half of season meant they finished sixth. But a number of young players were blooded over the season, with six teenagers featuring in the Gala XI against Trinity.